Hospitals, Welfare & Rehabilitation

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PRPNW Michelle Davis  /  PRPNW Michelle Davis,   /    PRPSE James Richmond
Br 38 Chair                       /             NWR Chair               /             National Chair
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2024 HW&R Report Form

This Committee keeps track of the listed activities that the branch membership participates in.  Please let the Committee Chair know if you do any of the listed activities.

Hours of work performed at hospitals by Shipmates
Shipmates who donated blood and the number of pints donated
Rituals attended and the number of Shipmates attending them
Books or magazines donated to hospitals
Financial contributions by Branch and Shipmates to the FRA Disaster Relief
Donations of clothing, household effects, miscellaneous items, etc.

HW&R Purpose:  Foster and maintain good relations between the FRA and the hospitals, to extend praise and commendation to those units that have rendered outstanding Service to investigate allegations that shipmates and dependents are not receiving full benefits pf existing laws and regulations.  When the need for welfare assistance comes to the attend of the Chair, he/she shall immediately notify the respective regional president for referral to the Disaster Relied and Rehabilitation chairman for action with the applicable standing rule, Fleet Reserve Association Disaster Relief Fund.