Youth Activities

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RPNW Bob Bean           /     PRPNW Roger Christopher    /  PRPEC Brian Jones
Br 38 Chair                      /            NWR Chair                          /   National Chair
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2024 YA Report Form

If you work with any youth groups like the boy scouts, girl scouts, campfire youth, etc., let Jim know.

Youth Activities Committee keeps track of branch participation in the following youth activities:  (a) Boy Scouts, (b) Girl Scouts, (c) Football teams, (d) Basketball Teams, (e) Baseball Teams, (f) Softball Teams, (g) Swim Clubs for Teens, (h) Golf Club Teams, (i) Crippled Children program, (j) Under Privileged Children, (k) Retarded Children Program, (l) You programs for children of members your branch such as parties, special events, picnics, youth club, etc.