2023 – Northwest Region Convention

2023 Northwest Region Convention Recap

The 2023 Northwest Region Convention was held August 118-19, 2023, at the Holiday Inn, 16345 Merchant Way, Nampa, ID.

One major change was made to the NW Region By-Laws:  The PCT dues for each member in good standing of each Northwest Region Branch is increasing to 50 cents next year (an increase of 15 cents).   All Northwest Branch Presidents and Secretaries, in addition to the Northwest Region Committee Chairs, were mailed an updated C&BL and the minutes to this meeting just recently.

The delegates also voted on a re-distribution plan of the Convention Silent Auction Division:
As adopted at the 2022 NW Regional Convention the adoption of the current division was made:
50% of the proceeds to go to the FRA NW Region
25% of the proceeds to go to the LAFRA NW Region
25% of the proceeds to go to the Branch hosting the convention.
This division will be the standard to follow in future Northwest Regional Conventions.

A proposed modification to this division was made with two versions, of which the second proposal (listed below) was adopted to read as follows:  Division of the FRA NW Region’s Convention Silent Auction to split the proceeds in the following manner:
50% of the proceeds to go to the LAFRA NW Region
25% of the proceeds to go to the FRA NW Region
25% of the proceeds to go to the Unit hosting the convention, or if no Unit hosts, to defray the costs of the convention.     This division will be the standard to follow in future Northwest Regional Conventions.

2023-2024 Northwest Regional Officers
President                                        Rex Faubion, Branch 104, Puyallup, WA
Vice President                               Robert S. Bean Sr, Branch 38, Spokane, WA
Jr Past Regional President         Michelle Davis, Branch 38, Spokane, WA
Secretary/Treasurer                    Margret “Peg” Burke, Branch 38, Spokane, WA
We need Shipmates from other Northwest Branches
to step up and serve as Regional Officers.

2023 Northwest Region Committee Awards

Group II – 1st Place – Whidbey Island Branch 97 – Oak Harbor, WA
Group IV – 1st Place – Mt Rainier Branch 104 – Puyallup, WA
Group IV – 2nd Place – Gem State Branch 382 – Nampa, ID
Group V – 1st Place – Inland Empire Branch 38 – Spokane, WA

Hospital, Welfare, & Rehabilitation
Group II – 1st Place – Whidbey Island Branch 97 – Oak Harbor, WA
Group IV – 1st Place – Gem State Branch 382 – Nampa, ID
Group IV – 2nd Place – Mt Rainier Branch 104 – Puyallup, WA
Group IV – 3rd Place – Seattle Branch 18 – Seattle, WA
Group V – 1st Place – Dagupan City Branch 247, Philippines
Group V – 2nd Place – Inland Empire Branch 38, Spokane, WA

Public Relations
Group II – Whidbey Island Branch 97 had a negative report, but their recommendations
were forwarded to the National Committee.
Group IV – 1st Place – Mt Rainier Branch 104, Puyallup, WA
Group IV – 2nd Place – Gem State Branch 382, Nampa, ID
Group IV – 34d Place – Seattle Branch 18, Seattle, WA
Group V – 1st Place – Inland Empire Branch 38, Spokane, WA

Youth Activities
Group II – 1st Place – Whidbey Island Branch 97, Oak Harbor, WA
Group IV – 1st Place – Seattle Branch 18 , Seattle, WA
Group IV – 2nd Place – Mt Rainier Branch 104, Puyallup, WA

Veterans Services
Group II – 1st Place – Whidbey Island Branch 97, Oak Harbor, WA
Group IV – 1st Place – Gem State Branch 382, Nampa, ID
Group IV – 2nd Place – Mt Rainier Branch 104, Puyallup, WA
Group V – 1st Place – Inland Empire Branch 38, Spokane,WA
Group V – 2nd Place – Honolulu B

2023 NWR Conv Minutes